I will be giving two Virtualization Workshops for Oracle DBAs and Developers for the Houston and New York Oracle User groups. These presentations have been averaging 150 - 300 attendees so I am looking forward to meeting Oracle enthusiasts on virtualization and the cloud.
HOUG Wednesday, October 19, 2011 9:00 am CDT, Houston Baptist University
Located off 59 Freeway and Fondren (exit)
7502 Fondren Road, Houston, TX 77074
$5 for non-members
NYOUG Friday, October 14, 2011, 12:00 PM -1:00 pm EDT - Webinar
Below is the information about the presentations.
Abstract : The default platform for Oracle database/application servers is rapidly moving towards virtual machines. This is why virtualizing Oracle Databases on VMware is one of the largest growth areas in the IT industry. This presentation will show attendees the various virtualization alternative technologies and how virtualization works under the covers. Key features such as vMotion, Storage vMotion, DRS /HA clusters and SRM will show attendees how virtualization is completely changing how Oracle environments are being managed. Success recipes for virtualization projects and virtualization best practices will be covered.
George Trujillo is an internationally recognized speaker and leader in the Cloud/Virtualization, Oracle Database, Oracle Fusion Middleware, MySQL, and Open Source Software user communities. George has over 20 years of Oracle Database Server experience and specializes in Oracle RAC, Data Guard, Streams, Performance and Backup/Recover. Industry recognitions: Oracle ACE in Oracle Fusion Middleware, Sun Ambassador for Sun Microsystem's Application Middleware Platform, VMware Certified Instructor and MySQL Certified DBA. Achievements include serving on the Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG) Board of Directors, Oracle Fusion Council, and Oracle Beta Leadership Council. George has been selected as one of the IOUG's "Oracles of Oracle" as well as a Master Presenter for the IOUG's Master Series presentations.
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